Clementia for Yemen

"Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give."


Providing financial assistance to Yemen, particularly to address food and medical needs.


As a result of an armed conflict between the coalition of Saudia Arabia and UAE against the Houthi-led forces, the Republic of Yemen is experiencing the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. With COVID-19 further ravaging the situation, the effects on children have been particularly severe: of the 24 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, 12 million are children. The World Health Organization also projects that over 2.3 million children under the age of five will suffer from acute malnutrition in 2021; 400,000 will suffer from severe acute malnutrition and will die if they do not receive urgent medical care. With many hospitals and schools destroyed, innocent children in Yemen have been left with an uncertain, jeopardized future.

Clementia was founded in an effort to help these very children. While we recognize that our organization alone will not significantly change the circumstances in Yemen, we also believe we have a moral obligation to use our resources to help those in need. We believe our unique fundraising model, which pools funds from four different sources, will aid in generating the funds we need to support Yemen children.

Bake Sales

Bake sales help Clementia generate direct funds to donate to our causes.


Clementia ambassadors sell our merchandise at colleges across the United States

Social Media

Our social media campaign aims to inform the community about the circumstances in Yemen. We also direct our viewers to an associated GoFundMe.


We partner with local businesses for donations and hosting fundraising events.


Contact to get more information on the project